The final human genetics consortium (for now) is MAGIC - the Meta-Analyses of Glucose and Insulin-related traits Consortium, another co-author of the DIAGRAM consortium. This is probably the most contrived of the lot, in that it failed to use all its words but did include “Consortium”. At the same time, being part of MAGIC has a certain appeal above CHARGE, DIAGRAM or GIANT.
“MAGIC (the Meta-Analyses of Glucose and Insulin-related traits Consortium) represents a collaborative effort to combine data from multiple GWAS to identify additional loci that impact on glycemic and metabolic traits.
MAGIC investigators have initially studied fasting glucose, fasting insulin, 2h glucose and HBA1c, as well as performed meta-analysis of more sophisticated measures of insulin secretion and sensitivity. Through these efforts, dozens of loci influencing these traits have been idenified, a subset of which also influence risk of type 2 diabetes.”
There is a certain degree of magic involved in a good genome-wide association study (GWAS) but I still rate this one ad hoc.
If contrived consortium acronyms are your thing, you can probably do a lot worse than sign up to the Table of Contents alerts for the journal Nature Genetics.