Wednesday, 28 August 2013

BADGER - Bay Area Digital GEo-Resource

To highlight the plight of the British badger, I wanted a BADGER acronym today. The best I have found (thanks to Acronyms List) is BADGER - Bay Area Digital GEo-Resource:

The Bay Area Digital GeoResource (BADGER) Project is a three year project to develop a non-profit community service that offers on-line access to San Francisco Bay Area geographic data. This resource will provide an easy and efficient method of accessing information developed from satellite and aerial imagery, maps, and databases to industry, government agencies and the general public.

BADGER is a collaboration between Lockheed-Martin and two more acronyms: National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Ames Research Center and the Bay Area Shared Information Consortium (BASIC). BASIC itself is worthy of ORCA, I think.

One of their other acronyms is not so impressive:

The user is asked to identify the site by street address or assessor’s parcel number. The application code then locates the site and displays the parcel boundary on a digital orthophotoquad (DOQQ).

I am not sure where the second Q comes from!

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